Locaties: Visserijplein

/Locaties: Visserijplein

Winners Europan 15 announced!

02-12-2019 The jury of Europan NL has selected 12 winners for Rotterdam. Productive Rotterdam Photo: Gerhard van Roon/Kunst en Vliegwerk NL Results We are very pleased to announce that our jury has selected - out of 123 entries - the

‘We’re looking forward to radical ideas with a story.’

02-11-2019 Interview with Bianca Seekles and Edward van Dongen from Era Contour, partner of Europan NL 15. Edward van Dongen (left) and Bianca Seekles (right) Photo: ERA Contour The five Dutch sites selected for Europan’s 2019 design competition are all

‘Who knows what will come from Europan 15. Perhaps Rotterdam’s appetite for innovation will be ignited once again.’

27-10-2019 Interview with Nathalie van Hoeven and Patrick van der Klooster from BPD, partner of Europan NL 15. Nathalie van Hoeven (left) and Patrick van der Klooster (right) Photo: Marcel Krijger The five Dutch sites selected for Europan’s 2019 design

123 entries for Productive Rotterdam

29-07-2019 123 entries for Productive Rotterdam We are very happy to announce that we've received 123 entries for Productive Rotterdam. In total 123 design teams have submitted their plans and strategies for the sites in Rotterdam: 16 x Brainpark I

Visserijplein - cities are for people

20-06-2019 Visserijplein - cities are for people A report of the third public lecture on the five Rotterdam Europan 15 sites. . Investigating the Visserijplein site for Europan 15? Live in the area? Have a stake in the development of

Launch Five E15 Sites in Rotterdam

18-03-2019 Launch Five E15 Sites in Rotterdam New Gateways to the Productive City Overview of the five selected E15 sites in Rotterdam Graphic design: Loes Sikkes Europan NL, Rotterdam Architecture Institute (AIR) and the municipality of Rotterdam are proud to

VISSERIJPLEIN: Empowering the Productive City in an Urban Neighbourhood

18-03-2019 VISSERIJPLEIN: Empowering the Productive City in an Urban Neighbourhood Creating a Multifunctional ‘hub’ in the Heart of a Multicultural Vulnerable Neighbourhood Visserijplein Photo: Frank Hanswijk Visserijplein is a square in the heart of the multicultural and vulnerable neighborhood Bospolder